With new PropTech released all the time, it can be tempting to push that which is tried and tested to the side in favour of newer options. But, as Openn’s Marketing Manager, Aimee Ralph explains, email can still play a starring role in your marketing campaign if you follow a few key rules.
TikTok may be hogging the marketing spotlight right now, but don’t let it distract you from unlocking the power of one of the most profitable lead-generating tools around – email. Five years in and $4.95 billion in sold property later, a huge proportion of Openn’s growth lies at the feet of the humble email.
Equally, any agent with a solid content strategy will testify to email being a key driver in their success. The best part is you own your database – so you reduce exposure to the perils of a simple algorithm or price change by relying on other publishers.
Of course, a marketing mix is always the best approach, but for agents, email should be a core pillar. When harnessed properly, this old-school method has the potential to deliver a massive return on investment (ROI) for your business.
Here are five email best practices to implement in your marketing strategy.
1. Follow the 80/20 rule
Nothing sends people running to hit the unsubscribe button faster than constant sales emails.
Aim for 80 per cent of your emails to be focused on educating or entertaining your audience, leaving 20 per cent for direct selling.
Here’s a quick test for you:
Check the last 10 emails you sent your database.
How many solely promoted yourself, and how many provided real value to your audience?
Value can take many forms.
Some examples include market updates, how-to articles and hyper-local content ideas like, ‘Where to Find the Best Coffee in Geelong’.
2. Timing is everything
What is the best day and time to send your emails?
The reality is, there is no perfect answer – it varies from industry to industry and depends on your target audience.
At Openn, we found emails delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays tended to have higher engagement levels.
The best times to send them were 9am and 11am, which is consistent with most industries.
Ultimately, you need to dive into your analytics and experiment with sending emails at different days and times until you find the sweet spot.
3. Don’t waste your subject line
You should spend just as much time thinking about your subject line as you do on the body of your email.
Too many agents will focus on crafting the perfect email, only to be let down by a boring subject line.
Your clients are inundated with emails every day. So, how can you make yours stand out?
One of our most successful email campaigns had the subject line, “5 reasons buyers ghost a property”.
Using numbers is proven to boost open rates. Much like a well-placed emoji, it draws the reader’s eye when scanning their inbox.
4. The power of following-up
Your subject line caught the attention of your reader, but they didn’t take further action, now what?
The most important email you can send also happens to be the least sent. Follow-up emails.
You can design automated email workflows via your CRM or do it the old-fashioned way – the point is, you need to have a structured system for following up.
It doesn’t have to be complicated.
In fact, the simple ‘9-word’ (or less) email is fantastic for reviving leads.
Here’s an example: “Are you still looking to sell in 2022?”
It’s a no-brainer. The agents who invest time in maintaining a relationship have the greatest chance of securing a seller’s business.
5. Never stop experimenting
My most important tip is don’t be afraid to try new email styles.
You can still maintain brand consistency while experimenting with word length, tone, content and design.
Your emails don’t always need to be on a beautifully designed HTML template.
Plain emails are often more effective because they don’t look like the other emails cluttering your inboxes. If you need inspiration, sign up to the newsletters of top brands and digital agencies.
They are leading businesses for a reason, so pay attention to what works and see if you can translate it into something suitable for a real estate audience.
Lastly, it’s no good experimenting if you don’t take the time to determine whether it worked.
So, dive into those analytics after every send!
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