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Our platform allows you to capture more buyers, streamline the negotiation process and achieve top dollar for your vendors.


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See how Openn can help you:

Get more seller leads

Free observation tools allow you to prospect and sell at the same time - saving hours of cold-calling and maximising your listing opportunities.

Never miss a buyer

Capture and negotiate with buyers more efficiently, in higher volumes, and deliver a positive transaction experience that leads to more referrals.

Win more listings

Arms you with additional selling tools to present at an appraisal, instantly elevating your offering and increasing your chances of winning the listing

Reduce your days on market

Defined timeframe and countdown timer feature creates urgency amongst buyers – shortening your selling time.
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What people are saying

Having been in property, new homes and real estate for nearly 20 years, this is the fairest and most fun way to buy and sell real estate. It is bringing an unparalleled level of integrity back to the industry whilst keeping industry professionals thoroughly engaged throughout the process.
Neville Stevens

Neville Stevens

SLP Real Estate
This is a game changer. It is transparent; there's no two ways about it. The buyers can see what other buyers are prepared to pay, and the seller can see what the other buyers are putting in. We're getting sales and results a lot quicker!
Nick Wallace

Nick Wallace

Bellcourt Property Group
This method of sale has given us the point of difference in our area! We are selling homes for more than expected and our clients are over the moon! Love working with the Openn Team!
Nikki Varga

Nikki Varga

Vivid Property Perth
This system is working wonders and I’m looking forward to helping more clients experience amazing results using Openn.
Caro Cunningham

Caro Cunningham

Ray White - Cottesloe | Mosman Park
Best piece of tech in the industry. Openn has made selling homes much more enjoyable and transparent. Makes it fair for buyers and sellers. This is the way all properties should be sold.
Vasco Horta

Vasco Horta

Nest Realty
This is a fantastic platform based on a great process, but also backed up with very user-friendly and clever tech! Openn gives confidence to both buyers and sellers that fair market value is achieved.
Gus Meikle

Gus Meikle

The Agency