Progress an offer

This article explains what a progressed offer is and how to advance an offer from pending to progress

    'Progressing an offer' means that you are advancing the offer from pending to progressed to allow the buyer to participate further in the sale. Offers can be progressed in any order. It is not necessary to progress in order of offer value or date received. 

    Instructions to progress an offer

    1. Navigate to the negotiation and view the buyer table
    2. Select the buyer name you are progressing (or the right arrow near their email), to open the buyer screen
    3. Select the pencil icon to Edit Offer Terms and ensure all the information is correctly completed and you have followed required protocol in verifying their identity
    4. If you are ready to allow the buyer to participate, select progress
    5. The buyer will receive a notification upon being progressed and assigned a unique number or colour identifier that will be displayed in the offer timeline, allowing them to raise their offer at any point and participate in the final offer stage.

    Selling a property by openn offers requires professional real estate agents to take normal precautionary steps to ensure buyers subject to conditions have suitable pre-approval and their identity is validated.